American Martyrs and St. Patrick Catholic Church
Friday, October 25, 2024
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OCTOBER 27th, 2024


Welcome to

American Martyrs Catholic Church

St. Patrick Catholic Church

October 27th, 2024

The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pope - His Holiness Pope Francis

Archbishop – The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson

Administrator – Rev. Santhosh Yohannan


American Martyrs:   Office: 262 West Cherry St. Scottsburg, In 47170-2013

Phone:  812-752-3693


St. Patrick:   PO Box # 273 Salem IN  47167

Phone:  812-752-3693 or 812-883-3589


Office Manager – Tracy Winston



E-Mail        Website

Phone:  812-752-3693



Mass Schedules for American Martyrs

Saturday & Tuesday at 5:00 pm. Sunday, Thursday & Friday at 8:30 am.

First Fridays of the Month, 6:00 pm. (No Masses Monday & Wednesday)


Mass Schedules for St. Patrick

Sunday at 10:30 am and Wednesday at 5:00 pm (after Nov. 3rd)


Mass Schedule for St. Vincent Hospital in Salem

The 1st Thursday of Every Month at 11:00 am


Reconciliation times for American Martyrs

Tuesday and Saturday at 4:00 – 4:40 pm


Reconciliation times for Saint Patrick

Wednesdays at 5:00 – 5:40 pm


Adoration at American Martyrs

Saturdays at 4:00 – 4:40 pm


Adoration at Saint Patrick

Wednesdays at 4:00 pm (after Nov. 3rd)


Rosary at Saint Patrick

Wednesday at 5:30 pm & Sunday at 9:45 am


Office Hours:  Monday-Wednesday 8:00 am-4:00 pm & Thursday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm


Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults:   Contact American Martyrs Parish Office


Baptisms & Marriages:   Both Parishes Contact American Martyrs Parish Office.


American Martyrs

Weekly Mass Schedule

Saturday, October 26th at 5:00 pm Mass Intention is for: Jerry Gauck


Sunday, October 27th at 8:30 am

Servers: Abrianney Guevara & Xochitl Mejia-Flores

Mass Intention is for: Thomas Oesterling


November Greeters & Readers

Saturday Greeter – Linda Illingworth

Saturday Reader – Mary Smith

Sunday Greeter – Joe Obergfell

Sunday Reader – Steve Boswell


November Eucharist Ministers

Saturday- Helen Reynolds

Sunday- Doris Marcum


November Counters

James Cruz & Rich Smith


*There will be a Special Collection next week for Cradle &

November 10th for the Flower Fund. *


Mass Intentions

Saturday, November 2nd – Beth & Sylvia Smith (Rich & Mary Smith)


Sunday, November 3rd – Anthony Oesterling Family (Tom & Jane Marley)


Saturday, November 9th – Charlotte Wilson (Bob Wilson)


Sunday, November 10th – Sharon Whelan (Cindy Light)


Saturday, November 16th – Kiesler & Renn Families (Jay & Janet Arbuckle)


Sunday, November 17th – Mary Dufour (Mary Cannello)


Saturday, November 23rd – Brian Cannello (Mary Cannello)


Sunday, November 24th – Daniel & Trinidad Romero & Lupe Bruner 

(Ramona Barger)


Saturday, November 30th – Richard & Bernice Pollitz (Rich & Mary Smith)


Sunday, December 1st – Doris Ann Huffman (Dan Loebker)


Tuesday, December 3rd – James Moyna (Brenda Moyna)


Saturday, December 7th – Maria Ficht (Bill Ficht)


Saint Patrick

Weekly Mass Schedule

Sunday, October 27th at 10:30 AM Mass Intention is for: Jon Boulet


Wednesday, October 30th - The Rosary at 5:30 pm. Mass at 6:00 pm.


Lector Schedule

October 27th – Carolyn Saltsgaver


Eucharist Minister Schedule

October 27th – Judy Saunders, Diana Dick, & Willie Harlen


November Counters

Judy Saunders & Cheryl Drumm


Mass Intentions


Sunday, November 3rd – Brian Cannello (Mary Cannello)


Sunday, November 10th – Father Don Buchanan (Mary Cannello)


Sunday, November 17th – Jon Boulet (Peg Boulet)


Sunday, November 24th – Mary Fleck (Debbie Lecklitner)


Sunday, December 1st Mary Dufour (Mary Cannello)


Sunday, December 8th – Brian Cannello (Mary Cannello)


Sunday, December 15th – Father Louis Manna (Mary Cannello)


Sunday, December 22nd – The People of the Parish


Sunday, December 29th – The People of the Parish


                                 SOME THOUGHTS ON TODAY’S GOSPEL                     

Without his cloak the blind man could be even more lost - he would lose protection from the elements. It was one of his most essential possessions. In going to Jesus, he let it go. In prayer there is much letting go. We hand over disappointments, hurts and grief as best we can. We hand them over to the one who loves us and gives much more in return. We listen to Jesus speak to us as he spoke to Bartimaeus. He asks, ‘What do you want me to do for you?'


The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time




(God’s Deliverance)

Jeremiah’s hymn opens with joy, for God has bestowed salvation on his people. He has delivered his people and will guide and bless them so none will go astray.



(God’s Mighty Works)

The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy



(Christ the Mediator)

Every high priest is designated by God. He has selected from among the people to be their mediator with God. No one takes this honor by himself.



(Healing of a Blind Man)

Bartimaeus, a blind man, hearing Jesus called out loudly, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me!” Jesus summoned him and, seeing his faith, cured him. Bartimaeus followed Jesus.





Scrip orders are due the first weekend of every month. Order forms are located at the entrances.



Please email any prayer requests to Kathy Karmire (


            While in the Church…… 

Be silent. Be thoughtful. Be reverent. This is God's house. 

    Before Mass, speak to God. 

During Mass, let God speak to you.

     After Mass, speak to one another.



The new 2025 Saint Joseph Missals are available for $5:00. You can get yours now in the Sacristy or the Parish Office.


Saint Patrick’s Ladies

 Ladies, mark your calendars for this year’s Saint Patrick ladies Christmas Party on Sunday, December 8th at 1:00 pm. More info to come.


Saint Patrick’s

We still need volunteers to help clean the church. Please see Judy or Darrell to sign up. Also, we still have 16 of those sturdy steel chairs to give away. If you or anyone that you know needs:1, 2, or all of them, please see Darrell.


                                  Trails of Faith New Event                                  

We will be getting together once more after mass at Saint Patrick’s on November 3rd at Fr. Steve Schaftlein's place -5058 East Nicholson Hollow Rd., Salem IN  47167. Hotdogs, buns, Ketchup, Mustard and water will be provided. Dress for the weather. Bring chairs.  Pitch in if you like, but not necessary. Father will provide the wood, the fire pit and lead the hike! (NOTE: the trails are NOT stroller friendly for those with small children) St Patrick will provide the hot dogs, buns, ketchup, mustard and water, so if you all can come (American Martyrs too) We need to know numbers so please RSVP to Dave 812-569-1764 (call or text) or on Facebook so we will know how much food is needed.


United Catholic Appeal for Saint Patrick

Intention Weekend for St. Patrick will be on Sunday, Nov. 3. Please discern how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus to help those in need through your contribution to the United Catholic Appeal. We serve God by serving others.


Father Santhosh

  Says, thanks to everyone at both churches for the two weeks of celebration for his Birthday! Both celebrations were wonderful! Thank you & God Bless!


Daylight Savings Time

 Will end on November 3rd. Adoration at Saint Patrick will move to 4:00 pm. And Wednesday’s mass will be moved to 5:00 pm.