MARCH 16th, 2025Welcome to
American Martyrs Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church March 16th, 2025 The 2nd Sunday of Lent Pope - His Holiness Pope Francis Archbishop – The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson
Administrator – Rev. Santhosh Yohannan American Martyrs: Office: 262 West Cherry St. Scottsburg, In 47170-2013 Phone:812-752-3693 St. Patrick: PO Box # 273 Salem IN 47167 Phone: 812-752-3693 or 812-883-3589 Office Manager – Tracy Winston E-Mail Website Phone: 812-752-3693
Mass Schedules for American Martyrs: Saturday & Tuesday at 5:00 pm Sunday, Thursday & Friday at 8:30 am. First Fridays of the Month, 6:00 pm. (No Masses Monday & Wednesday) Mass Schedules for St. Patrick: Sunday at 10:30 am and Wednesday at 6:00 pm Mass Schedule for St. Vincent Hospital in Salem: The 1st Thursday of Every Month at 11:00 am Reconciliation times for American Martyrs: Tuesday and Saturday at 4:00 – 4:40 pm Reconciliation times for Saint Patrick: Wednesdays at 5:00 – 5:40 pm Adoration at American Martyrs: Saturdays at 4:00 – 4:40 pm Adoration at Saint Patrick: Wednesdays at 5:00 pm Rosary at Saint Patrick: Wednesday at 5:30 pm & Sunday at 9:45 am Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 8:00 am-4:00 pm & Thursday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Baptisms & Marriages & Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Both Parishes Contact American Martyrs Parish Office American Martyrs Weekly Mass Schedule Saturday, March 15th at 5:00 pm Mass Intention is for: Jo Nell Buchanan Sunday, March 16th at 8:30 am Servers: Albert Soto & Leandro Caceres Mass Intention is for: Lonnie Piet March Greeters & Readers Saturday Greeter – Mary Smith Saturday Reader – Steve Boswell Sunday Greeter – Briar Willes Sunday Reader – Brinley Wilson
March Eucharist Ministers Saturday- Teresa Wheat & Helen Reynolds Sunday- Debbie Ludwick & Ann Jentzen March Counters Patricia Brock & Fay Obergfell *There will be a Second Collection Next week for The Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. Mass Intentions Tuesday, March 18th – Mary Jean Davey (Teresa Wheat) Thursday March 20th – Rose Venezia Friday, March 21st – Herman Koers Saturday, March 22nd – Agnes Kiesler (Teresa Wheat) Sunday, March 23rd – Merly Bao (Win Terry) Tuesday, March 25th – Jim Moyna (Brenda Moyna) Thursday March 27th – Herman Koers Friday, March 28th – Ida Hanka (Teresa Wheat) Saturday, March 29th – Steve Gavin (Sue Collins) Sunday, March 30th – In Honor of St. Anthony Tuesday, April 1st - Special Intentions for the Cranley Barton Family Thursday, April 3rd – Father James O’ Riley (K of C) Saint Patrick Weekly Mass Schedule Sunday, March 16th at 10:30 am. Mass Intention is for: Rose Venezia Wednesday, March 19th - The Rosary at 5:30 pm. Mass at 6:00 pm. Mass Intention is for: Jack Kline
March 23rd - Jane Zatonsky March 30th – Judy Saunders April 6th – Janet Paynter April 13th – Terry Thixton, Morgan Cullins April 17th – Janet Paynter April 18th – Terry Thixton, Jane Zatonsky April 20th – Carolyn Saltsgaver
March 23rd – Judy Saunders, Diana Dick, & Joe Cannello March 30th – Peg Boulet, Carolyn Saltsgaver, & Jane Zatonsky April 6th – Willie Harlen, Terry Thixton, & Diana Dick April 13th – Gordon Emily, Joe Cannello, & Carolyn Saltsgaver April 17th – Peg Boulet, Terry Thixton, & Judy Saunders April 18th – Joe Cannello, Diana Dick, & Judy Saunders April 20th – Peg Boulet, Jane Zatonsky & Judy Saunders March Counters Michelle Chastain & Mary Cannello *There will be a Second Collection Next week for The Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. Sunday, March 23rd – Herman Koers Wednesday, March 26th - Special Intentions for the Cranley Barton Family Sunday, March 30th – Herman Koers Sunday, April 6th – Cecil Miller (Evelyn Miller) Sunday, April 13th – John Stankus (Darrell Lanham) Today, Jesus sets an example in prayer for us in this Lenten season – He seems to be summarizing it all saying: “do not just walk with me (these forty days in the wilderness) or just give alms (feeding thousands, washing the feet of others) because Lent requires it; but do it with the kind of prayer that transforms you as you journey with Me towards the cross and beyond the cross.” Be transfigured in and by prayer so that the world around you sees God’s glory, just as the fully awake disciples saw Jesus’ glory. The 2nd Sunday of Lent 1st READING GENESIS 15:5-12, 17-18 (Covenant with Abram) By faith, Abram finds favor with the Lord. The Lord makes a covenant, that is, establishes a special relationship, with Abram and his descendants. RESPONSORIAL PSALM 27 (Union with God) The Lord is my light and my salvation. 2nd READING 1 Philippians 3:17-4:1 (Citizenship in Heaven) Paul exhorts us to turn away from worldly pleasures and to reject sin. He reminds us that we are not of this world. THE GOSPEL OF LUKE 9:28b-36 (Listen to Jesus) The glory of Christ is revealed, and God manifests the special mission of Christ.
SCRIP SCRIP orders are due on the first weekend of every month. Order forms are located at the entrances.
PRAYER REQUESTS Please email any prayer requests to Kathy Karmire (
While in the Church…… Be silent. Be thoughtful. Be reverent. This is God's house. Before Mass, speak to God. During Mass, let God speak to you. After Mass, speak to one another.
LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES The Lenten Penance services and Reconciliation schedule is as follows: Sunday, March 23rd at Saint Patrick, after the 10:30 Mass with Father John Hall, & (First) Friday, April 4th at American Martyrs
Missing Rosary at Saint Patrick A rosary from Medjugorje (Bosnia & Herzegovina) was being lent to Saint Patrick parishioners on a weekly basis. The rosary was in circulation and is now missing. Anyone that knows its whereabouts, please contact Janet Paynter (812-620-9604) or Judy Saunders.
Our book study has just started: LORD HAVE MERCY, by Scott Hahn but it's not too late to join! We're meeting on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm after Mass (which will be 6:00 - 6:30 pm starting Ash Wednesday) (also not on Parish Council meeting 2nd Wednesdays starting 3/12). There will be 12 sessions. A video and book are presented with plenty of discussion, like our Bible Studies pre COVID. Used Books available for $6 from Barb. Anyone can bring snacks and food to share. It lasts about an hour to 1.5 hours.
SAINT PATRICK & THE K of C FISH FRY The Saint Patrick Lenten Fish Fry is every Friday from 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm. The Fish Dinner is $10.00 & includes: Fish, 2 sides & dessert, Sides are: French Fries, Baked Potato, Green or Baked Beans, Mac & Cheese & Cole Slaw. Dessert Donations are greatly appreciated. Come enjoy some great fish and fellowship!
The Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry is every Friday from 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm. The Fish Dinner is $12.00 & includes: 8 oz of Cod, Hush Puppies, Coleslaw, Desert, and Drink Fries or Baked Potato Green Beans or Mac & cheese. Anyone wishing to donate a dessert for the upcoming fish fries can drop them off at the K of C hall after 3:00 on Fridays during Lent. This is our church's largest fundraiser, so be sure to spread the word. SPRING HIKE AT FATHER STEVE’S The spring Hike is going to be Sunday, April 6th after Sunday Mass at Saint Patrick. Father Steve has invited us out to his place again to see his beautiful, native wild flowers on an approximately 2 mile hike. Also, a fire to gather by and roast hotdogs. This is for parishioners, friends and families of both St. Patrick and Located at:
MARCH BIRTHDAYS JIM BOSWELL - 03/11 ANN JENTZEN - 03/28 ALBERT BARTOCH - 03/28 CHUCK CULLINS - 03/28 MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 03/18 DON & BEA BOSWELL 3/23 LONNEY & BARBARA BOWERS Long happy marriages are a blessing and a testimony to our faith in each other and to God's providence. Many in our parish are approaching or have passed 50th anniversaries. Two of our parish couples have reached 70th anniversaries! Thank you for your faithful witness to this sacrament, Don and Bea Boswell and Bob and Pat Bromm!! |