FEBRUARY 23rd, 2025American Martyrs Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church February 23rd, 2025 The 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pope - His Holiness Pope Francis Archbishop – The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson Administrator – Rev. Santhosh Yohannan American Martyrs: Office: 262 West Cherry St. Scottsburg, In 47170-2013
Phone:812-752-3693 St. Patrick: PO Box # 273 Salem IN 47167 Phone: 812-752-3693 or 812-883-3589 Office Manager – Tracy Winston E-Mail amartyrs47170@gmail.com Website www.amartyrs.org Phone: 812-752-3693
Mass Schedules for American Martyrs: Saturday & Tuesday at 5:00 pm Sunday, Thursday & Friday at 8:30 am. First Fridays of the Month, 6:00 pm. (No Masses Monday & Wednesday) Mass Schedules for St. Patrick: Sunday at 10:30 am and Wednesday at 5:00 pm Mass Schedule for St. Vincent Hospital in Salem: The 1st Thursday of Every Month at 11:00 am Reconciliation times for American Martyrs: Tuesday and Saturday at 4:00 – 4:40 pm Reconciliation times for Saint Patrick: Wednesdays at 4:00 – 4:40 pm Adoration at American Martyrs: Saturdays at 4:00 – 4:40 pm Adoration at Saint Patrick: Wednesdays at 4:00 pm Rosary at Saint Patrick: Wednesday at 5:30 pm & Sunday at 9:45 am Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 8:00 am-4:00 pm & Thursday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Baptisms & Marriages & Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Both Parishes Contact American Martyrs Parish Office American Martyrs Weekly Mass Schedule Saturday, February 22nd at 5:00 pm Mass Intention is for: Aquida Goque Sunday, February 23rd at 8:30 am Servers: Abrianney Guevara & Xochitl Mejia-Flores Mass Intention is for: The Hayes Family March Greeters & Readers Saturday Greeter – Mary Smith Saturday Reader – Steve Boswell Sunday Greeter – Briar Willes Sunday Reader – Brinley Wilson
March Eucharist Ministers Saturday- Teresa Wheat & Helen Reynolds Sunday- Debbie Ludwick & Ann Jentzen March Counters Patricia Brock & Fay Obergfell *There will be a Second Collection Next week for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe * Tuesday February 25th – Special Intentions for the Cranley Barton Family Thursday, February 27th – Rose Venezia Friday, February 28th – Living & Deceased of the Harry Laker Family Saturday, March 1st – Kenny Boswell (Don & Bea Boswell) Sunday, March 2nd – Jo Nell Buchanan Tuesday, March 4th – Special Intention for our Seminarians Thursday March 6th – Anna Iommelli Friday, March 7th – Harold Newmann Saturday, March 8th – Joe Boswell (Don & Bea Boswell) Sunday, March 9th – Sister Mary Eucharita Cruz (James Cruz) Saturday, March 15th – Jo Nell Buchanan (Teresa Wheat) Sunday, March 16th – Lonnie Piet (James Cruz) Tuesday, March 18th – Mary Jean Davey (Teresa Wheat) Thursday, March 20th – Rose Venezia Friday, March 21st – Herman Koers Saint Patrick Weekly Mass Schedule Sunday, February 23rd at 10:30 am. Mass Intention is for: Tom Lanham Wednesday, February 26th- The Rosary at 4:30 pm. Mass at 5:00 pm. Mass Intention is for: Jack Kline March 2nd - Carolyn Saltsgaver March 9th - Judy Saunders March 16th - Peg Boulet March 23rd- Jane Zatonsky March 30th- Judy Saunders April 6th – Janet Paynter
Eucharistic Minister Schedule March 2nd – Diana Dick, Willie Harlen, & Joe Cannello March 9th - Gordon Emily, Peg Boulet, & Jane Zatonsky March 16th - Joe Cannello, Terry Thixton, & Gordon Emily March 23rd- Judy Saunders, Diana Dick, & Joe Cannello March 30th- Peg Boulet, Carolyn Saltsgaver, & Jane Zatonsky April 6th – Gordon Emily, Terry Thixton, & Diana Dick March Counters Michelle Chastain & Mary Cannello *There will be a Second Collection Next week for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe * Mass Intentions Wednesday, February 26th – Jack Kline Sunday, March 2nd – Louis Donovan Wednesday, March 5th – Gilbert & Eleanor Inlow Sunday, March 9th – Special Intentions for the Cranley Barton Family Wednesday, March 12th – Herman Koers Sunday, March 16th – Rose Venezia Wednesday, March 19th - Jack Kline Sunday, March 23rd – Herman Koers Wednesday, March 26th - Special Intentions for the Cranley Barton Family Sunday, March 30th – Herman Koers We pray for all of those who might be thought of as ‘enemy’ or despicable, calling to mind all hopeless cases, those who are overlooked and neglected. We pray that they may experience kindness and love and that any who describe them negatively may be given the vision that Jesus had. Those we love are in our prayers. As we think of them, we allow feelings of gratitude and appreciation to come to the fore and allow ourselves to be blessed again. The Catechism teaches that the Golden Rule sums up “The Law of the Gospel”, to “make the decisive choice between ‘the two ways’ and to put into practice the words of the Lord”. The 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st READING SAMUEL 26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23 (David Spares Saul) King Saul has condemned Daid and is trying to capture him. David has the opportunity to kill Saul but refuses to harm the king because Saul is anointed by the Lord. RESPONSORIAL PSALM 103 (The Lord’s Mercy) The Lord is kind and merciful.
2nd READING 1 CORINTHIANS 15:45-49 (Grace Builds on Nature) Grace builds on nature. In Christ we are formed in the spiritual order.
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE 6:27-38 (Love for enemies) The supernatural virtues go beyond the natural virtues which even sinners practice. SCRIP SCRIP orders are due the first weekend of every month. Order forms are located at the entrances. PRAYER REQUESTS Please email any prayer requests to Kathy Karmire (karmire54@gmail.com) While in the Church…… Be silent. Be thoughtful. Be reverent. This is God's house. Before Mass, speak to God. During Mass, let God speak to you. After Mass, speak to one another.
SAINT PATRICK FISH FRY We will be having our Lenten Fish Fry every Friday beginning on March 7th. Volunteers are needed. More info to come.
KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS FISH FRY Anyone wishing to help with this year’s Fish Fry for American Martyrs can attend a meeting at the K of C Hall in Scottsburg on Friday, February 28th at 5:30 pm. Fish Samples will be available.
United Catholic Appeal American Martyrs Donors: 31 Amount pledged: $15,070 Parish goal: $11,713 Percentage to goal: 129% Saint Patrick Donors: 30 Amount pledged: $5,674 Parish goal: $6,779 Percentage to goal: 84% |